Write It Forward

The Write It Forward Event Is Now Launched!

To all those who would love to add their own flair to the world of Bolfodier, now is your chance. The Kanta Chronicles author Nick Sutcliffe is offering his readers the chance to help to expand the stories and histories of his new and exciting world Bolfodier. Now you can create a piece of lore that could one day become canon to this fantasy world.

As I’ve decided that my writing talents are not great enough to fill this world to its fullest potential, I’ve come up with the idea to have others do it for me. By which I mean that I’m inviting all manner of artists-visual, verbal, musical, dramatic, etc.-to fill the history books of my world. Basically, I’m inviting you to write, draw and create stories for me to later recognize as canon in my future Bolfodier works.

Now, there are some rules that I’m imposing for those who wish to contribute to this event. Firstly, the protagonists of your works can not be the characters in my novel; you may mention them or have them appear in a scene or two, but they can’t be your primary focus. The exception to this rule is if you’re writing a song or drawing a picture. You may however, use the three gods-Lilith, Hados and Korena-as a more active member of your story. Genre doesn’t matter as long as you stay in Bolfodier; if you want to write a western, there’s lots of rocky desert, if you want to write a romance, there’s 15,000 years of characters to have fall in love. Now, just to be clear, I’m not going to just be okaying every work that comes to me; I will be reviewing them and after I’ve concluded that it doesn’t break the rules of the world or this event, then and only then, will I give my seal of approval, as well as my thoughts on the story to the author. The Write It Forward Event will be ongoing until the day comes where I’m either too senile to read and comprehend the events of the story or am too dead to; upon which case I’ll have someone post that the contest is sadly over.

To enter is very easy. Write your story, draw your picture or record your song and send me an email via the Contact page. Be sure to include a brief description of your work (and yourself), as well as a link to where your work can be viewed in the email. I suggest either Fanfiction or FictionPress for stories, deviantart for pictures and YouTube for songs, but if you’d rather a different platform, that’s fine with me; so long as I can view/read/listen to it I don’t really care. And if I believe your story can be incorporated into the lore and histories of Bolfodier (aka give my seal of approval) than I’ll post the link to the work here for others to view, and hopefully, inspire them to create and add to the tapestry I hope to create. I also encourage anyone looking to participate to seek my help if they are unsure on any aspects of Bolfodier, its peoples, languages, technologies, magics or anything else. I’m always happy to talk about the intricacies of Bolfodier and will help in anyway that I can!

Now while I cited my creative laziness as the reason I’m launching this event, there is another reason. When I started writing The Kanta Chronicles when I was 16, it was originally meant to be a piece of fanfiction to one of my favourite series: The Sword of Truth. And while the novel is still heavily influenced by those books, it has become its own being. And that’s something I wish to spread into the world: the creative drive that possessed me to write and ultimately publish The Kanta Chronicles. And if only one person finds themselves feeling a similar drive due to this, then its mission will have been a success.

So now, go forth and create!