Supernaturalis Mortem Release Date and News

Well, it’s June 1st, 2023; which means I’m officially 30 years old! Hurray! (I think). On the one hand, life is going great. The Kanta Chronicles just celebrated its 6th year anniversary (good Lord, it’s been 6 years already!) and Supernaturalis Mortem is set to be published later this month on the 23rd. And I’m quite hyped about that. I’m even hosting a book launch party at my work the following Wednesday (the 28th). More details to follow on that as they’re finalized.

On the other hand, I’m 30 now and feel like I have very little to show for it, outside of these two books. Which, don’t get me wrong, are impressive and I’m extremely proud of myself for being able to have essentially published one book before I was 25, and another by the time I was 30. And considering how expensive this has all been, the fact that I’m not broke and back living with my parents is another accomplishment in and of itself. But as I was telling my therapist just yesterday, I always wanted to have more to my name than just a couple of books (again, still huge accomplishments in their own right, just not the type of success that I thought I’d have growing up to this point). But that’s more of a Nick problem, than a problem with the rest of the world.

Anyways, with the release of the new book just over 3 weeks away, I’ve finally taken it off of FictionPress, so that the book is the only place that the story will exist. I’ll be posting details about the launch party and where you can buy the book (apart from me) when I get them. And while I love having everyone buy directly from me so that I can sign your copy, I’m also really, really wanting my publishers to see how popular I am. So, with that in mind, please really consider buying the book from places like Amazon, Chapters, Barnes & Noble etc. so that they see that I’m popular and will consider publishing future works with me (I’ve already sent them L&L, and they’re waiting to see how this one performs before properly offering me another contract). I’m still happy to sign your copies, no matter what. Despite this wish though, I will be selling the book at the launch party, as well as at FanExpo 2023 in Toronto (details on that also coming when I get them). For those out of the know, FanExpo is essentially ComicCon, so trying to sell both books there makes perfect sense (at least to me).

Thanks for all your support over the years and hope you’re as excited for this month as I am!

Supernatualis Mortem Book Update

So, since it’s been a while since I gave any updates about anything, I thought I’d share some exciting news. Yesterday, I got the cover design for my upcoming 2nd novel Supernatualis Mortem and I must say that I’m quite pleased with it. So I’ve told the publisher to go ahead and finalize it as the cover.

But that’s not even the most exciting part.

The most exciting part is the fact that I turn 30 at the start of June and if everything goes right, by that time I’ll have 2 books published! That’s right, according to my production coordinator at the publisher, Supernatualis Mortem could be ready within a month or two! So if you hear a high-pitched girly manly squeal of delight in the time between now and June, you’ll know that it’s time to get your copy of future New York Times bestseller, one of the summer’s must reads, and future basis for the upcoming cult classic horror flick: Supernatualis Mortem!

Publishing Update

I cannot express how excited I am that, after nearly 12 weeks of waiting, I finally got an answer about publishers wanting to publish my work. And I’m overjoyed to announce that they’ve offered me a deal to publish Supernaturalis Mortem! I still need to gather up $7500 to go forward with the publication, but this is it folks: my first big break! Hopefully, by this time next year, you’ll be able to see me on a dust jacket as you clamour to buy your own copy of my second novel! Have a look yourselves and see what they had to say.

Seriously, I’m so excited! I can’t stop smiling, and probably won’t until Sunday night! If anyone is curious, I’m still writing The Visagar Chronicles; I’m trying for a chapter a month release schedule (no set day on when I put up Ch.4, it’s just whenever I finish it). So if you check for a new chapter every 10 days or so, there should be a new one within every 3 checks (if I stay on schedule).

Supernaturalis Mortem Finished And Future Plans

Well, I’ve finally finished Supernaturalis Mortem, and am now in the process of workshopping it and L&L to get them set for being (re)sent out for publication. I’ll let you all know how that goes as things develop, but I’ll probably be not posting any new writings for a while (goal is to start new stuff around the start of 2022, but we all know how good at deadlines I am). When I come back, I’ll be working on the sequel to The Kanta Chronicles (which is now available in audiobook format on Audible and iTunes, so take a listen and let me know what you think). If you’d like to speed up the process and get that sequel written faster, please donate to my Patreon so that I can start taking more time off work to write and not lose any money.


Ok, so I know that with the world in quarantine, all the free time on our hands, that people might think I’ve been writing like crazy. Oh how wrong you are! As I work an essential job at my local grocery store, my free time has actually gotten less as some of my coworkers are unable/unwilling to work, leaving more for those of us who do. But I am still writing when I can; but as always my process is slow at best and sub-glacial at worst. I’ve posted the next few chapters to Supernaturalis Mortem to FictionPress (link below) for those who wish to see how that story is coming along.

As for the publishing status of Lucifer & Lilith and The Kanta Chronicles Ihave some news. With regards to The Kanta Chronicles, I made an error with regards to properly responding to authentication email around Christmas and have currently lost my ability to print new copies for the time being. I’m trying to get everything back to the way it was, but am still waiting on a few things from the people who helped me publish in the first place (but again with the quarantine, this might take awhile). But if this affects the online merchants like Chapters/Indigo, I don’t know (hopefully it hasn’t, but as I don’t know of anyone who actually has bought a copy that wasn’t from me, I can’t say). As for Lucifer & Lilith, I’m still waiting to hear back from the publishers I sent it out to back in September. I’m still very optimistic about L&L‘s chances of being picked up by someone, and will let the world know when it happens; but again, this whole pandemic situation may make this timetable much longer than initially hoped for back in September.

Stay safe everyone. Hopefully this will all end soon and the world can go back to something that resembles the old normal. In the meantime, I’ll keep writing when I can and post batches of chapters once a few have collected.

First Chapters to Supernaturalis Mortem Released

So I know that I’m extremely notorious for not updating this as much as I should (and I’m very sorry about that) but hopefully that will change this coming year (one resolution that I have is to be more active with my writing than I’ve been in the past). But, like this title says, I’ve posted the first few chapters to fictionpress. I’ve taken a page from George R.R. Martin and named the chapters after the character’s whose POV it is from. Let me know what you think of this style and the story in general. Hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season!

Some News

So, I know that I haven’t been updating this a lot recently, and I apologize for that. But I do have some hopefully exciting news: over the past couple of weeks, I’ve been going to different publishing websites and sending them requests to take a look at Lucifer & Lilith! And while I won’t hear back from them until most likely the new year, I’m excited to see what responses I get to that story. So cross your fingers, wish me luck and say a prayer to Hados, Korena and Lilith for me!

New Writings

So, I’ve been working on the next book while I wait to hear back from literary agencies to help publish L&L. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect in my new story: Supernaturalis Mortem!

My sickness had finally caught up with me. As I crawled to the shrine of my goddess at the junction of the three roads, my lifeblood flows out through my fingers and onto the gravel. The great goddess, my goddess, Hecate had kept her promise; she’d kept me safe in the shadows all these years. And for that, I’d eternally be in her debt, should she ever need my services in the next life.

For sixteen years Hecate has protected me and my killings. For sixteen years have I wandered the world and killed indiscriminately. And for sixteen years, all Hecate has required of me for her protection is that whenever I come across anything dealing with the worship of her that I stop and offer a sacrifice of flesh, blood and bone. I think that the body of my final victim and myself, at the same altar that our covenant was first forged, would be proof enough that I have not ever faltered in my worship.

As I raise my bloody hand to the statuette of Hecate in the shrine, my dying eyes play the same trick on me they did all those years ago. For once my hand touched the image of my goddess, I could have sworn it looked upon me with a look both pleased and saddened. “O, goddess of the hidden,” I say. “My soul is yours, a-a-a-a final pay…ment for your protection.”

My strength has finally fled my dying body, as I fall to the ground. My last words, nigh, my last breath a praise to Hecate, my great goddess.

L&L Finally Finished

Well, after a few months (mostly spent not doing what I’m supposed to be doing) I’ve finally finished going through Lucifer & Lilith and have it ready to send to publishers! So over the next few weeks I’m going to try and shop around until I find someone who loves the story as much as I do and is willing to publish it for the world to fall in love with it. So wish me luck! And then once I’ve found someone to publish L&L, I’m going to start writing out the plot for my next story, which I’ll hopefully start writing by the summer (but I make no promises as work dramatically picks up then). Hopefully, Lucifer & Lilith will be on shelves sooner than we can hope.

PS If anyone has a good name for L&L that’s short, isn’t just their names and fits the story, please let me know, as I feel the current title is too wordy.

Writing Connections

Ok, so recently (as in my recent posts, not time because we all know how lacking I am in being punctual online) I’ve mentioned some of the tropes/connections between my two latest stories (The Kanta Chronicles and Lucifer & Lilith). And today, I’d like to give you guys some more of these so that you can always recognize my writings in the future. And while all of these aspects won’t always be in the story I’m writing, there’s sure to be a few.

Now, I’ve already mentioned how I use twins, and how the elder is usually the female and she’s more powerful than her younger brother. I’ve also said how I’ll usually take a name of a character in one story and give it to another; this is something that a lot of authors do I find and I’m just another practitioner of this hallowed tradition. Another thing that I constantly find myself doing is taking parts of stories from other authors and using them in my own while putting my own spin on it. This is what I did with Cadel Thymab in The Kanta Chronicles (for the full story there, there’s a early post about it). Another hallowed tradition that I fully subject my writing to is making allusions to other works that influence me. I do this usually a bit more stealthily in my humble opinion, than my previous point, but for more details, check out some of my earliest post here.

Finally, I’d like to discuss the Language of Darkness. It’s something that is present in both L&L and The Kanta Chronicles and hope to find a way to incorporate it into all my future works. In essence, the Language or Tongue of Darkness is a string of gurgling and grunting that only those born with the ability to can understand. And for someone to be able to understand it, and not be born to a parent/parents that can, is extremely rare. In The Kanta Chronicles, only Ladies of the Night can understand it; and in L&L only the angels of the Pit and their offspring can understand it. The exception to this is Lilith who when she first met Tartarus ate a special but rare crystal that allowed her to do so. And while Kara can understand thanks to the mental connection she shares with both her parents, her twin brother Shien cannot. And since that ties so nicely into my first point, I think that is where I will stop.